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09 Dec 2023

Christmas in Villa Arconati - -

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  • INFO

    Cell: +39 393 8680934
    E-Mail: info@fondazioneaugustorancilio.com

  • DATA

    Saturday, December 9 and Sunday, December 10, 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. (last admission 5 p.m.)


    Admission with FREE Visit: Full € 10; Reduced* € 7

    Admission with GUIDED TOUR: Full € 16; Reduced € 13 

    Tickets on sale at Info Point or presale on Eventbrite

Christmas in Villa Arconati - -

In the "royal Villa" the enchanted atmosphere of Christmas is lit up

On Saturday, December 9 and Sunday, December 10, 2023, in the "royal Villa" of Castellazzo, the enchanted atmosphere of Christmas will be lit up with an unmissable event for young and old alike: our beautiful Christmas Party!

What you will find waiting for you :

. the decorations, illuminations and Christmas elves .
. the food and wine producers
. handcrafted products exclusively for Villa Arconati
. the Christmas choirs and marching band .
. historical re-enactments and dances
. the exhibition of handcrafted nativity scenes
. the 3D audio Christmas Carol and the Time Machine
. the genial elf
. the "enchanted little house" of John and his peacocks .
. the carriage rides
. the botanical walks and guided tours
. the roasted chestnuts and mulled wine .
. the sweet and savory delicacies of Caffè Goldoni
. the Christmas Lunch
. the creative workshops for children
. the candy plane
. the house of Santa and Mommy Christmas

On their long journey from the North Pole to the homes of all the children in the world, Santa and Mommy Christmas have also decided to stop by Villa Arconati to give a wonderful surprise to all visiting children: they will be waiting for you at 2:30 p.m. to take your little letters and talk with you in their Enchanted House. But how will Santa and Mommy Christmas arrive? And most importantly, for all the children who have been good...could there ever be a sweet thought missing? Did you know that Santa and Mommy have a Candy Plane? What will it be and what will it do? Come and find out from 2:30 p.m. in the Villa Garden!!!

Santa and Mother Christmas have an enchanted house, which moves with them... and this House will also be in one of the new environments of the Garden, which no one has ever seen yet!
The Elves are waiting for all the children who want to write or deliver letters for Santa and Mother Christmas, awaiting the arrival of Father and Mother Christmas, who will meet all their young friends... prepare your letters for the arrival of Father and Mother Christmas from 2.30pm.

Santa and Mrs Claus' Elves will be in our woodshed to have all the children make beautiful handcrafted Christmas decorations: to bring home a memory of the visit to the Villa in the magical atmosphere of Christmas!

Free workshop dedicated to children aged 3 to 10 years. The child must be accompanied by at least one adult during the activity.
The activity is available until available material runs out.

Companions (adults and children aged 11 to 17): paid entry to the Villa
Estimated activity duration: approximately 20 minutes

CHRISTMAS IN PAST CENTURIES: historical re-enactments and dances
How was Christmas celebrated at Villa Arconati in past centuries? For one day our Visitors will be able to see these moments "relive" before their eyes! The re-enactors of "Il Tempo Ritrovato" will, in fact, propose scenes of convivial life from the eighteenth century, from the Empire style, from the Risorgimento, from the fin de siècle with characters, settings and objects inspired by the Christmas traditions of the various eras. Traditions that perhaps have been lost and that we will try to "reconnect" ... through history: how many people know that in the eighteenth century New Year's Eve was more commonly celebrated than Christmas? And that the Christmas tree was only used in northern countries and that it was only introduced in the mid-nineteenth century? What was the most popular game at Christmas tables already at the end of the seventeenth century?

In the Museum Hall, the typical dances of Christmas in the Risorgimento will also be offered to the public, created starting from the study of the 19th century Dance Manuals. Visitors who wish to do so will be able to try their hand at dancing, guided by the re-enactors of the Monza and Brianza Dance Society Club.

THE THREAD OF HISTORY _ historical re-enactments at Villa Arconati
Inaugurated in 2022, this cultural project by the Augusto Rancilio Foundation in collaboration with the re-enactors of Il Tempo Ritrovato presents an appointment a month to tell - or rather relive - the story through a historical re-enactment that takes Villa Arconati back to the most significant centuries of its past. The re-enactors of the Il Tempo Ritrovato company, through tailor-made clothes, volumes and period objects, bring to life the typical activities, games, habits and customs of past centuries. But above all it is their stories that bring to light a past that has been (almost) lost... on the thread of history.

The re-enactment activity is FREE for the public, upon purchase of the entrance ticket to Villa Arconati.

This year's nativity scene exhibition in Villa Arconati is positioned in a new space: The Stables designed based on drawings by the great Leonardo da Vinci. A very suggestive place that recalls travel, but also a stop after a long journey. Based on these feelings, the exhibition unfolds - with the dioramas and nativity scenes on display - through images and reproductions of scenes relating to the nativity and evangelical episodes evoking the journey. Like the shepherds of the time, visitors are called to go to the cave to see what was announced by the angels and will return magnifying what they have seen. The works are created by the nativity scene makers of the Italian Association of Friends of the Nativity Scene, based in Milan Lainate.

And also… the Vivere Castellazzo Association of the Parish of Castellazzo shows the faithful and visitors the ancient nativity scene of the small Church of San Guglielmo: a beautiful and very rare example of a traditional nativity scene, inserted into the unique spirituality of the small medieval church of the Borgo di Castellazzo .

The Quarta Dimensione Audio Time Machine will take visitors to Villa Arconati into Charles Dickens' Victorian London. Six listening stations will allow you to listen to some extracts of the audiobook on headphones, in the splendid setting of the Villa Library.
It will also be possible to download the first chapter of the audiobook for free via the QR code that will be found at the exit of the route.

For the little ones there will be listening stations to learn about Flok, Santa's elf who is the protagonist of the fairy tale dedicated to them. Children will have access to headphones with specific specifications dedicated to them, in terms of size and sound pressure (decibel limit devices will be used to guarantee excellent listening in total safety. Even in the event of an accidental increase in volume, the headphones will never exceed the safety limit set). They will be able to color an illustration of the fairy tale to take home and a QR code will be available to download the audio file for free.

A Christmas Carol 3D is a three-dimensional immersive audiobook.
Unlike traditional audiobooks, by wearing ordinary headphones it is possible to experience firsthand the pages narrated by Dickens, having full perception of the spaces, sounds, characters and their movements. This is a new frontier in the publishing field and "A Christmas Carol 3D" is in fact the first 3D audiobook in the world. Immersive audio has the ability to stimulate the listener's imagination, providing an active experience during use, exploiting the ability to evoke images and suggest faces and environments, thanks to the choice of voices and sets. Entering Victorian London in the company of the miserly Scrooge (played by Stefano Andreoli) one loses the perception of time: the audiobook in fact has a total duration of 3 hours 7 minutes, divided into 5 chapters, but one has the impression that only one passes. The project was created by Roberto Tamburrino and Thomas Vitalini (Quarta Dimensione Audio) with a staff of 24 actors, coming from various parts of Italy, who gave life to the characters of the story narrated by Stefano Dragone (in the role of the author, Charles Dickens).

Fourth Dimension Audio is a sort of "time machine" that allows us to take the listener to any era and context. Thanks to the technology we have developed, we can bring 3D audio into formats that can be used by all devices (for example mp3) and optimized for headphones of any quality and price range. Born as a project in 2021 and becoming a production house in 2022, it evolves into a publishing house to produce and distribute digital products in immersive audio, in the fields of teaching, narrative, innovative products for the blind and in that of corporate courses.

On Saturday and Sunday afternoons, from 2.00 pm to 5.00 pm, it will be possible to enjoy the enchantment of our baroque garden just like the noble lords of the past: with an exclusive carriage ride. Limited places with on-site reservation. The activity is paid.

On Saturday and Sunday at 5.00 pm the Museum Hall will host the Christmas Carols sung by the choirs of the Vivere Castellazzo Association and the Domenico Scarlatti Musical Association of Baranzate.
On Sunday 10 December the Arturo Toscanini Band from Bollate will perform for the visitors in a beautiful Christmas concert.

Our guided tour allows visitors to learn about the historical evolution from the medieval castle to the most sumptuous of the "villas of delight" of the Milanese patriciate, following the narration of the events of the ancient owners from the seventeenth century to the twentieth century: over the course of 90 minutes it will be possible to visit the most representative environments of the Villa and the Garden, accompanied by our passionate volunteer guides, who will tell stories and anecdotes of times gone by. In case of bad weather, the visit will be carried out entirely in the Palace, with access to some rooms not included in the traditional visit itinerary.

Guided tour of the Palace and Garden:
11.30am and 2.30pm
Full price €16.00
Reduced €13.00
Limited seats.

Do you want to secure your place on the Guided Tour? Book online from our website www.villaarconati-far.it

A pleasant walk of about 45 minutes, accompanied by one of our volunteer guides, to discover the monumental plants, the oldest ones, the typical tree essences of our Italian and French Gardens.

Botanical walk:
12 am
Free activity upon purchase of the entrance ticket.
Limited places, reservation on site.
In case of rain the activity is suspended.

Under the Loggiato there will be a selection of food and wine producers chosen from among the best Italian producers, for those who want to give (or give themselves!) a Christmas gift that supports small producers!

The FAR Bookshop will also be present with a selection of artisanal products made exclusively for Villa Arconati. You will be able to find many handmade objects thanks to the collaboration of the Augusto Rancilio Foundation with artisanal and social entities in the area, which create unique and exclusive products: Christmas decorations, scented candles, objects that recall the precious decorations of the Villa, jewels made with the ornamental motifs of the Villa, the volumes published on the "Treasures of the Palace" and the "Treasures of the Garden", the book on the "Ville di Delizia" by Marc'Antonio Dal Re with the eighteenth-century engravings on the Villa, for exclusive Christmas gifts and from spirit of solidarity.

Our Caffè Goldoni will also be dressed in the magical Christmas atmosphere and will offer a welcoming tea room where you can enjoy a delicious Christmas snack with hot drinks, chocolate, slices of cake, biscuits and of course the typical Christmas sweets!
And in the Corte Nobile... roasted chestnuts and mulled wine thanks to the collaboration with the Pro Loco of Bollate.

CHRISTMAS LUNCH – from 12.00 to 15.00
The Red Room will welcome visitors for a special Christmas Lunch: dressed to the nines with a warm and welcoming atmosphere, it will offer a special Christmas menu, with the typical dishes of these festive days! To be able to have lunch in the magical atmosphere of Christmas in the Villa, booking is recommended (Whatsapp message to 393.6638140)

Do you want to experience the unique atmosphere of Advent and our Christmas Festival? Are you particularly attached to Villa Arconati and would you like to return again next year? Buy the FAR PASS 2024! With the FAR Pass you can experience the Villa whenever you want, thanks to unlimited and preferential access (skip the line!) for the entire season it is open to the public. The FAR Pass allows access to all the areas that can be visited with the free entry ticket (not valid for guided tours), including the Bookshop and Caffè Goldoni. Come back to the Villa whenever you want, even just to meet friends, for lunch or to drink a coffee in the "royal Villa" of Castellazzo! If you purchase the 2024 FAR Pass now you will have access to Christmas in Villa Arconati and for the entire 2024 Public Opening Season. Buy your FAR Pass online on our website www.villaarconati-far.it or on Sunday at the Ticket Office of the Villa. The FAR Pass is also a wonderful Christmas gift for those who love art, nature and culture! By purchasing the FAR Pass you support the cultural and social activities promoted by the Augusto Rancilio Foundation at Villa Arconati.

Saturday 9 and Sunday 10 December 2023
from 11.00 to 18.00 (last access 17.00)

For information:
Fondazione Augusto Rancilio
www.villaarconati-far.it | info@fondazioneaugustorancilio.com | +39.393.8680934
Follow us on our official social channels FB and IG

Opening hours
Saturday, December 9 and Sunday, December 10, 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. (last admission 5 p.m.)

Please note that once the purchase is made, it will not be possible to modify the date, time, and ticket type. Cancellations and refunds are not provided.




