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A path in the green, between history, culture and nature.

Villa Arconati-FAR is located in a strategic position from an environmental and naturalistic point of view. It is in fact one of the main attraction points of the Groane Park, a protected area extending over 8.000 hectares north of Milan, characterized by extensive moors, among the last to survive around the cities.

Today, this area is at the center of a process of landscape and environmental enhancement promoted since Expo 2015, thanks to its inclusion in the Landscape Expo Tours circuit as the epicenter of LET 1, and to the Le Vie d'Acqua path.

The project involves the open spaces in the western belt of the city, the Navigli and the irrigation network, which creates a cycle path between the city and the countryside, offering new ways of enjoying the territory. Passing through parks, ponds, woods, moors, Villa Arconati-FAR is a fascinating stop on this path, able to combine environment, history and culture.

In this perspective, the restoration and reconversion plan of Villa Arconati-FAR - with the 200 hectares of woods, moors and cultivated land that surround it - is open to projects, activities and innovative events related to the green, both as regards the Garden that the agricultural area of Castellazzo. The Augusto Rancilio Foundation project pays particular attention to the environmental dimension, understood as a real educational and cultural experience and a determining factor in quality of life.