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Accessibility and participation are the guidelines that characterize the planning of educational activities proposed by the Augusto Rancilio Foundation aimed at schools, groups and individual visitors.
Visiting Villa Arconati-FAR means living art, history and nature in many different ways, you choose which:

  • Guided tours for individuals, groups and schools to visit us
  • Places to touch only serves your curiosity
  • Projects with schools to jointly build the future of Villa Arconati-FAR
  • Special projects because there are so many meanings of Villa Arconati-FAR and even more ways to tell them

Fondazione Augusto Rancilio pursues research and study in the field of architecture, design and urban planning, collaborating with schools of all levels for the realization of training projects. The intent of these activities is to encourage the access of new generations to the civil community and the world of work. To propose a project or present your institution, please use the FORM

Some of our projects:
  • School of Design of the Polytechnic of Milan Final Synthesis Laboratory Sect. I3 of the Bachelor's Degree in Interior Design A.A. 2018/2019
  • Alternanza scuola-lavoro, Liceo Primo Levi (Bollate) A.S. 2016/2017, A.S. 2017/2018
  • Alternanza scuola-lavoro, Liceo C.E. Gadda (Paderno Dugnano), Liceo Erasmo da Rotterdam (Garbagnate Milanese) A.S. 2016/2017
  • School of Design of the Milan Polytechnic, Final Synthesis Laboratory Design Studio Section I3 of the Laurea Magistrale in Interior Design A.A. 2016/2017; A.A. 2017/2018
  • Arese High School, short film “Senza tempo” realized as part of the project PREMIO CINEMATOGRAFICO “GAVIOLI” - YEAR 2016-2017 (1° classificato)