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Fondazione Augusto Rancilio is the promoter of a restoration and enhancement plan for Villa Arconati-FAR and its Garden. The Villa, testimony of Lombard taste and patronage - thanks to the interventions of art and architecture lovers like Galeazzo and Giuseppe Antonio Arconati, which took place between the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries bringing it up to its current form - can today revive thanks to contemporary forms of philanthropic investment.

For this reason the Foundation is open to the activation of partnerships with institutional and private institutions of excellence, interested in participating in a large shared project, aimed not only at preserving this great historical, cultural and natural heritage, but also in returning it to the community as a laboratory on the future, the center of a development path based on today's culture and creativity.

The vision that accompanies the project is linked to reporting the entire complex to the role of center of production and cultural fruition, in continuity with its history, in the respect and enhancement of the landscape heritage in which it is inserted and in relation to the development opportunities of its territory. This is why the Foundation promotes the Centro Studi FAR: a design and interactive path aimed at reviving Villa Arconati-FAR as the new court of creative and contemporary arts, from Architecture to Design, to Visual and Performing Arts, to Fashion, to Food.

The project of the Foundation is thus integrated with the parallel project of recovery of the Borgo di Castellazzo - whose spaces are destined to become the Borgo della Creatività, dedicated to residences and ateliers for creative professionals - while the estate and agricultural land around the Villa are object of a planning path oriented to an innovative model of sustainable development..

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