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Grandi Giardini Italiani

Grandi Giardini Italiani is a network of over 140 gardens in 12 regions in Italy, Vatican City and Ticino. The network includes Renaissance, Baroque and modern gardens: five hundred years of design and history of garden and landscape art, a unique artistic and botanical heritage.

The circuit was founded by Judith Wade; the promotion of participating gardens is proposed through internet and sector publications. Since 2007 he creates and certifies new itineraries of gardens that can be visited in all regions of Italy, such as "A sea of ​​gardens", "Stop the time. Visit a Venetian garden", "The great gardens of Lazio. The Roman Countryside".

The historic garden of Villa Arconati-FAR is part of this network composed not only of itineraries, but also of an active community made up of owners, curators, art historians, gardeners, agronomists, guides and an innumerable list of green professionals that collaborate for the maintenance and enhancement of this unique heritage in the world. The collaboration, started in 2014, brought Villa Arconati-FAR on the cover of the Great Italian Gardens Guide 2015.

Exploring the website of Grandi Giardini Italiani you will discover a world of gardens of spectacular beauty and high maintenance, the pride of Italian culture.
