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Among the most beautiful and majestic Villas of delight in Milan, Villa Arconati is a heritage of great historical, cultural and architectural value. The Villa – which today, together with its Garden, is home to the Augusto Rancilio Foundation – is located in the Groane Park, in the hamlet of Castellazzo di Bollate.


Book your Ticket!

Fondazione Augusto Rancilio is pleased to welcome you to the Villa delle Meraviglie! We are waiting for you every Sunday, from 11:00 to 19:00, with guided tours, art exhibitions and a splendid historic garden in which to get lost among Art, Nature and Beauty. And, starting this year, also special midweek guided tours of the Garden.


Jacques Martinez - Domani.

Fondazione Augusto Rancilio is pleased to present the major exhibition of Contemporary Art 2024: "TOMORROW. Jacques Martinez at Villa Arconati" from April 7 to October 13, 2024 Exhibition Wing of Villa Arconati


Mythology Festival

Fondazione Augusto Rancilio is organizing in continuity with the "Agenda 2030" project under the artistic direction of Massimiliano Finazzer Flory, the first edition of the "Festival of Mythology" that will run throughout the season with 4 events and a themed white night.